Al 1 Aprile 2021
www.amyclaeexperience di Irene Chinappi, è un servizio di promozione e comunicazione per aziende e prodotti enogastronomici, che opera attraverso le esperienze.
Ciascuna esperienza include diverse attività. Ogni attività è gestita da diversi partners, ciascuno dei quali è pienamente responsabile della sua parte di esperienza ad ogni livello, inclusi pagamenti e il rilascio di fatture o ricevute relative alla propria attività.
Non forniamo trasporti e alloggio ma su richiesta possiamo suggerire le migliori soluzioni.
Tutti gli acquisti fatti attraverso questo sito, email o telefono, sono soggetti ai seguenti Termini e Condizioni. accetta i seguenti sistemi di pagamento: Bonifico bancario, PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express.
Al momento della prenotazione è richiesto il pagamento di una parte della cifra complessiva pattuita per il tour, come specificato negli accordi specifici che saranno inviati via email insieme ai dettagli.
Solo questa parte della quota complessiva sarà gestita da Irene Chinappi.
Tutte le altre spese (escursione in barca, guide, degustazioni, esperienze di cucina) devono essere pagate sul posto a ciascun partner responsabile di quella specifica parte del tour.
Al rilascio del pagamento e garanzia di prenotazione, tutti gli ospiti aderiscono per intero ai Termini e alle Condizioni qui specificati.
In caso di qualsiasi dubbio o contrarietà che emergesse prima della prenotazione, gli ospiti possono contattare prima di prenotare il tour o l’esperienza.
Il prezzo dei tours mostrati su questo sito è in Euro.
Gli ospiti accettano tutte le eventuali tasse relative ai pagamenti con carta di credito.
I prezzi pubblicati online sono la base dei nostri prezzi, ma potrebbero non corrispondere sempre ai prezzi in vigore. I prezzi vengono aggiornati continuamente e potrebbero risultare leggermente superiori o inferiori a quelli mostrati online.
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I rimborsi sono erogati a discrezione della direzione.
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Il proprietario consiglia vivamente agli ospiti di acquistare un’assicurazione di viaggio per coprire cancellazioni e ritardi dovuti a circostanze impreviste, o quelli al di fuori di ogni controllo. Gli ospiti concordano che sia l’azienda che gli operatori partner locali non sono responsabili per nessuna di queste circostanze impreviste, e ritengono entrambe le parti innocue. Tutte le richieste di rimborso per l’assicurazione devono passare direttamente attraverso il fornitore di assicurazione, e non attraverso Amyclae Experience o Irene Chinappi.
Irene Chinappi e il suo sito web agiscono solo come partner per i vari fornitori che forniscono guida, accompagnamento, attività, o altri servizi connessi con eventuali tour prenotati. Tali servizi sono soggetti ai termini e alle condizioni di tali fornitori. Irene Chinappi non possiede né gestisce alcuna persona o entità che debba o fornisca beni o servizi per queste esperienze, tour e trasporti e, di conseguenza, non ha alcun controllo sul personale, sulle attrezzature o sulle operazioni di tali fornitori, e non si assume alcuna responsabilità per eventuali lesioni personali, morte, danni materiali o altre perdite, incidenti, ritardi, inconvenienti o irregolarità che possano essere causati da (1) malattie, condizioni meteorologiche, scioperi, ostilità, guerre, atti terroristici, atti di natura, leggi locali o altre cause (2) atti illeciti, negligenti, intenzionali o non autorizzati, difetti, omissioni o inadempienze da parte di uno dei fornitori di servizi turistici, o di altri dipendenti o agenti nell’esecuzione di tali servizi, (3) difetti o guasti di qualsiasi veicolo, apparecchiature, strumenti posseduti, gestiti o altrimenti gestiti da uno qualsiasi di questi fornitori, o (4) qualsiasi atto illecito, intenzionale o negligente o omissione su qualsiasi parte di qualsiasi altra parte non soggetta alla supervisione diretta, al controllo o alla proprietà di Irene Chinappi.
I presenti termini e condizioni sono regolati dalla legge italiana. Gli ospiti accettano che qualsiasi controversia tra le parti del presente accordo che comporta la struttura o l’applicazione di uno qualsiasi dei termini, disposizioni, o condizioni del presente accordo, su richiesta scritta di una delle parti notificate l’altra, essere sottoposto prima alla mediazione e poi se ancora irrisolto ad arbitrato vincolante.
Ganimede Residence
(Top choice apartments).
Hotel Mayor
(Short walk from the sea, family-run, clean, excellent breakfast)
Hotel Grotta di Tiberio
(4 Stars, pool with jacuzzi, gourmet restaurant, excellent view and location)
Hotel Amyclae
(an elegant 3 star-hotel located on the beach)
This was a wonderful experience from start to finish. I reached out to Irene with a laundry list of requests relating to traveling with an infant and a member of... read more our group not betting able to eat gluten, and she was immediately responsive and so helpful. She found a car seat for our baby and gave us a ride up to the winery for our tour, where they were very accommodating in providing gluten free food options. Everyone involved really went above and beyond.
Most importantly, Irene is a wonderful tour guide, deeply knowledgeable about the history of Sperlonga and the surrounding area. We learned so much during the walking tour of Sperlonga and the tour of the winery. The wine and food were also excellent. This tour would be well worth it at double the price and I highly recommend it for anyone coming to Sperlonga.
We extremely enjoyed a toured Monti Cecubi in Itri viewing the winery and learning fascinating local history. Our guide Irene, Sarah and Pietro were wonderful. We had a... read more family of five and several others were in our group. We started the morning off with a lovely hike through the trails near the winery and learned of the local olive trees, birds and cork trees. The sights were stunning of the surrounding area of Itri, Formia, and Gaeta in the distance. We visited the vineyard area and learned how the grape vines grow and are planted along side other plants for nutrients. We visited the inside of the winery and learned how the grapes were pressed and turned into wine. My boys thought the giant wine barrels and bottling machine where really cool! The day was complete when we were able to sit at a gorgeous lava stone table overlooking the vineyard and enjoyed a delicious meal which included fresh local grilled meat, vegetables, potatoes and YES... THE AMAZING Cecubi Wine. There are several different varieties of the wine and our guide was very knowledgeable about how each one was made and which foods to pair it with. You are able to purchase bottles of wine there on sight and we made sure to take advantage of this opportunity. We had the lovely surprise of enjoying local chocolates handmade in Itri brought in to be paired with our dessert wine. I highly recommend this specific tour and this tour group. They have several other tours in the area and we are already planning to sign up and tour with them again. The combination of history, nature, delicious food, wine and the professionalism and kindness of your guide make for a FANTASTIC DAY! I can't wait to book another outing. If you are curious this tour can be customized for the enjoyment of larger groups, small groups, couples, and families with children of all ages. We were completely impressed and delighted.
Irene walked us through the very picturesque historic district of Sperlonga, tour of the museum and reserved a sunset dinner at the beach for us. perfectly started with a... read more stop for gelato!. She managed and organized a memorable visit that my family and I will cherish for a lifetime. She is very thoughtful, knowledgeable and caring. We brought my 83 year old father and she made sure we took frequent breaks and even had a chair for him at the museum. We had a perfect time with Irene of Amyclae Experiences! I highly recommend!!
We are so happy for the professional and inspiring winetour first starting with a walk in historical Sperlonga and ending up in a winery nearby. We got a lovely mix... read more of stories from roman and medioval time unntil today. And you even understand a lot of wine production after this tour, thanks to Irene. …
Fascinating overview on the history of Sperlonga, followed by a tour of the winery and a tasting of three delicious wines accompanied by an exquisite selection of local products. Irene... read more was the best guide - thank you!
Fascinating overview on the history of Sperlonga, followed by a tour of the winery and a tasting of three delicious wines accompanied by an exquisite selection of local products. Irene... read more was the best guide - thank you!
I had a great tour of beautiful Sperlonga with Irene and got to sample some delicious local wine and food! The town has a rich history and Irene is an... read more expert. Highly recommended to all visitors!
This experience in Sperlonga is not to be missed. The Sperlonga Experience and Wine Tour with Irene was exceptional. We toured the passageways of this historical city. We were... read more thrilled to be tasting wine (delicious) from such an ancient varietal. The cheeses and meats paired so well with the wine I forgot to take pictures. The views from the winery are breathtaking. Thank you, Irene for sharing your vast knowledge and giving us such a memorable tour.
The vineyard tour which included tasting wine and foods was a really good experience. Service, communication, the prize and the actual wine: all were to our liking. We booked through... read more Irene, and she was very helpful and informative. We met first for a tour of...More
We extremely enjoyed a toured Monti Cecubi in Itri viewing the winery and learning fascinating local history. Our guide Irene, Sarah and Pietro were wonderful. We had a... read more family of five and several others were in our group. We started the morning off with a lovely hike through the trails near the winery and learned of the local olive trees, birds and cork trees. The sights were stunning of the surrounding area of Itri, Formia, and Gaeta in the distance. We visited the vineyard area and learned how the grape vines grow and are planted along side other plants for nutrients. We visited the inside of the winery and learned how the grapes were pressed and turned into wine. My boys thought the giant wine barrels and bottling machine where really cool! The day was complete when we were able to sit at a gorgeous lava stone table overlooking the vineyard and enjoyed a delicious meal which included fresh local grilled meat, vegetables, potatoes and YES... THE AMAZING Cecubi Wine. There are several different varieties of the wine and our guide was very knowledgeable about how each one was made and which foods to pair it with. You are able to purchase bottles of wine there on sight and we made sure to take advantage of this opportunity. We had the lovely surprise of enjoying local chocolates handmade in Itri brought in to be paired with our dessert wine. I highly recommend this specific tour and this tour group. They have several other tours in the area and we are already planning to sign up and tour with them again. The combination of history, nature, delicious food, wine and the professionalism and kindness of your guide make for a FANTASTIC DAY! I can't wait to book another outing. If you are curious this tour can be customized for the enjoyment of larger groups, small groups, couples, and families with children of all ages. We were completely impressed and delighted. …